What you need to know. Choose Love
I have been averting my eyes and ears from the news and television dramas for a few years now. The tragic news always makes its way to me and I sit with it in meditation. I have practiced Tonglen meditation which is a Buddhist practice of deep empathy with self and others. Another strategy for relating to the news that I've tried is honoring the needs of others. A third way is by taking action. In Ronald Rolheiser's book, "The Holy Longing", he suggests that praying for someone involves embodying that prayer by doing what we can to answer to it, right here, right now. While watching Jim Carrey's speech at the Maharishi University Commencement this year, I have been attempting to maintain some awareness of choosing love over fear. In my Centering Prayer practice yesterday, I was struck with a sort of daily serenity prayer. I will attempt to respond to the news with a variety of these strategies. Let's see what that might look like. I am considering posting this as a series. I have no idea how long I'll keep this up or at what frequency I'll participate, but I will start today with several. If I do this daily, maybe I'll choose one story each day. Your feedback is valuable.
Will you consider sharing your loving responses to your news? I think we could lovingly learn from each other.
An expected birth, choose love. A sick child, choose love. An injured husband, choose love. Lost loved ones, choose love. Triumphant daughter, choose love. Stabilizing markets, choose love. Airstrike killing, choose love. Movie pulled from opening, choose love. Ebola doctor dies, choose love. 200 kidnapped, choose love. Unpredictable economy, choose love. Eight children dead, choose love. States sue Colorado, choose love. Boston Marathon bomber suspect in court, choose love. Dr. Oz's medical advice in question, choose love.
What does a specific response for each look like?
In very local news, Choose Love. What is my loving meditative response? How can I incarnate this mediation and take action (choose strategies) that might help them receive what they long for?
1. My dear friends are anticipating the arrival of their first grandchild. I hope their experience brings them love, connection, joy, and celebration. I can write a note to express my support and excitement I share with them.
2. My son is sick in bed with a cold or flu. I long for him to have better health, rest, support, love. I can bring him chicken soup and tea.
3. A friend whose husband is recovering from several broken ribs after a serious car accident. I hope for ease from pain, rest, support, and community as he recuperates at home with family. I can send a note of support and well wishes.
4. Friends who've lost loved ones and long for their company in this holiday season. I long for them to receive the gift of mourning, reflection, love, support, community and connection. I can contact them to meet for coffee or lunch and listen to what they are feeling and longing for right now.
5. A friend whose daughter has triumphed over a tragic accident earlier this year. I long for her to continue growing stronger and for the family to continue receiving support to meet their needs for predictability, financial security, celebration, and community.
In the news from our larger circle. This compilation from The Week, follow this link for their full article, Things you need to know today,
1. Stocks surge for a second day after soothing words from the Fed
I hope this news will bring predictability, financial security, and ease to all, and competence to those closely tied to the market and processes involved in our economic system. I will also be patient with my own financial forecast.
2. Airstrikes kill three ISIS leaders in Iraq
I long for new nonviolent strategies to honor everyone's needs to be discovered that will allow groups new ways to live beyond scarcity, competition, power over, and other concepts beyond my level of understanding. I will notice opportunities I have today to better understand, support, and honor other's needs, even and especially if we perceive that we live vastly different lives.
3. Movie studio pulls another film critical of North Korea from theaters
I respect the desire for self expression and for security both for the public and for journalists.
4. Top Sierra Leone doctor dies of Ebola
I wish his family, friends and colleagues support, love, mourning, and hope that a cure will be discovered soon.
5. Insurgents kidnap 200 in deadly raid on Nigerian village
I long for a world where groups of people and individuals have access to enough resources and effective strategies to give them a full variety of their needs so that strategies like killing others become completely ineffective and useless. I wonder what the killers are seeking. I long for security, peace, community, mourning, love, respect, mutuality, predictability, freedom, and understanding.
6. Putin tells Russians to brace for $40-per-barrel oil
While we enjoy lower gas prices and celebrate reports of a 'stabilizing' economy, it is important to make decisions that honor the interdependence and continuity that exists globally. Even if our fortune is not tied to another's misfortune personally, socially, politically, or geographically, it is important to stay open to new ideas that support mutuality, security, abundance, and interdependence.
7. Eight children found dead in Australia home
I mourn the loss of loved ones. I honor those involved by respecting their needs for security, mourning, love, support, understanding, and all other unmet needs created by this tragedy.
8. Neighboring states sue Colorado over its law legalizing pot sale
I hope for clarity, competence, respect, and cooperation.
9. Tsarnaev returns to court weeks before his trial's scheduled start
Justice, respect, competence, support, understanding, mourning, security to all those involved and effected.
10. Researchers say Dr. Oz's medical advice is usually wrong
Competence, support, and predictability to those who are longing for strategies to help with their medical issues. I hope they find what they need to bring measurable relief, ease, and clarity.