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Emergency self empathy not enough?

"I really value order, peace, acceptance, security, understanding, harmony, predictability, rest, respect, justice, support, and mutuality!"
When the list of unmet needs looks like this when practicing emergency self empathy, it might be time for self care.
I consider self care the awareness of our needs and looking at and employing strategies to meet these needs.  This morning as a I travel home with family on a road trip, I am wondering about the strategies I currently use and how I might find new ones.  If my only strategy for getting caught up on rest is taking a day off from work when all three kids are in school, I might need to find others because that relies on school being in session and no one being sick. As we grow and change, we need to let go of strategies that don't work and look for new ones for ourselves and in collaboration with others.
I am dreaming of a time when our Houston NVC community can find a physical space for our community to connect and grow together.  Beyond a practice group for parents, I'd like to have an NVC village. We all know it takes a village.  What if our village was full of other parents who are familiar with and practice NVC?  I would love to collaborate with other parents to create a list of strategies we each use to meet each of our needs and the needs of our families.  What strategies do we model and teach our children to help them grow into stewarding their own needs?
In the meantime, I hope to employ effective strategies, new and old, to find more order, peace, acceptance, security, understanding, harmony, predictability, rest, respect, justice, support, and mutuality.  I hope that your strategies are working well to meet the needs of you and your families today too.
Grace in, peace out,

If you want to find out more about the most common needs that show up on this list for each of us, attend my class on Sept 14 where we'll explore Enneagram personality types of parents and kids and how they relate to our values (NVC-needs).
Click here to register for this free talk.

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