What if - for parents
At the heart of nonviolent communication is the concept that every choice we make and every action we take is an attempt to meet a need. A need that each of us has. There is a list at the bottom of this post.
What if you look at each choice you make and action you take as simply an attempt to meet a need?
What if you were able to recognize that each choice others make and action others take is simply attempts to meet a need?
What if you were able to recognize that each choice a child makes or action a child takes is simply an attempt to meet a need?
How would this change your choices and actions, your judgments of others, your goals and strategies in parenting?
What if you start with making the next choice and action a conscious choice?
What if you consider the strategies you use and the effects they have on those around you?
What if you become more aware of the strategies you use regularly to get these needs met?
What if you think about how you model strategies for your children to get their needs met?
What if you shifted from punishing or rewarding for the strategies our kids use to teaching them more effective strategies, or brainstorming with them other options that respect everyone's needs?
Visit key2peace.com to view other blogposts and my events page for upcoming talks on The Cloud of the Unknowing, Parenting with the Enneagram (and nonviolent communication), and Daily Spiritual Practice.
Grace In, peace out,