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How to show gratitude

The present moment is filled with joy and happiness, if you are  attentive, you will see it. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Everything you need to be happy is right here, are you? Dr. Bill K erley

For the past 5 years, I've been reading Mary Mackenzie's Peaceful  Living Daily Meditations. The daily passage from May 10 inspires this  week's suggestion. Take some time to notice the beauty and joy around  you.  Become aware of ways your child/children contribute to your  needs.  Show your gratitude using NVC clarity.  For instance when  you-----,I feel -------because it meets my need
for------.  For instance, Chase, when you volunteered to sit in the back row of the  car, I felt joy because it met my needs for harmony and ease.  Refer to  the NVC list of feelings and needs to be sure you are using feeling  words, not thoughts.   Can you think of a time when your parent(s) showed gratitude for you in  a way that was unclear?  Statements like " you're a good girl","you're  a fine young man", or "thanks for being a good helper" can be perceived  and refuted in many ways.  The jackal voice in the child might deny  receiving this form of gratitude in the way it was intended.  When we  clearly identify the action (like a camera would report it), express  our feelings and identify our needs that were met, we allow how  children to see how their actions contribute to our lives in a tangible  way.  We also support their exposure and practice of NVC.  They say it takes 5 positives to balance out 1 negative thought or  action.  So do this as often as possible for your kids, your friends,  and yourself!