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How to hug your kid today

Try a hugging meditation. (this works with adults too)

Warning, this is NOT a typical hug and release.  Please take the time  to read the instructions.

1.  Make space and time:  When you can pause a few minutes and not be  interrupted, ask your child if they want a hug.  If they say yes*, take  a position you can hold for a long time.   Resist the urge to pat their  back and move along.  For instance, I sit on the floor with our 2 year  old to hug her.  I stand to hug our 12 year old (I will soon need a stool to stand on).
2.  Be in the moment:  Recognize how they are hugging you.  Is it a  tight, strong hold, or a relaxed, melt in your arms hug?  Relinquish  the power and make yourself aware of when the hug changes.
3.  Stay as long as the child wants: When they pull away, or otherwise  indicate that it is over, then it is.  Don't talk about it unless they  initiate a discussion.
4.  Were there any needs of yours that were filled by  this activity?  Did you sense or discuss any needs that were met for  your child(ren)?

*If they say no, you have the opportunity to remember that they have other unmet needs than yours at that moment.  This is a request, not a demand.

Background:  NVC helps us connect at the heart level.  This can be a  challenge to do authentically when we are busy moving ourselves and  children from one activity to the next.  I first saw a demonstration of  a "hug meditation" between two adults in Dr. Bill Kerley's Ordinary  Life Class.  It struck me as a powerful way to connect with our kids  while silently demonstrating that we are available to them, even on our  busiest days.  It is difficult to practice nonviolent communication  when we feel disconnected.  This technique can help build the  foundation we need to be authentic in our nvc practice.

   Happy hugging