A child's song for a grieving adult
When Anita Long's father, Huey Long passed away in June. Our son, age 6, listened closely to her reflect on her father's passing. As we were leaving he wanted a moment to talk to her. This is what he said, "so it's good your dad is with Jesus now. If he could come back, he would be able to tell us what it is like in Heaven."
As my niece, my son, and I pulled out of the Ink Spot's Museum parking lot he began singing a song for Anita.
"When you grab my hand
, it makes me happy.
, it makes me happy.
I wish you could come down to ground.
My soul is with your soul and your soul is with my soul.
Since you're happy in Heaven, I want you to stay there,
But I wish you could come down and hold my hand."
As I practice to become more mindful and present and celebrate the opportunities to connect with others throughout daily life, I feel so fortunate to have our children as guides and teachers to ignite a spark of spirituality in my ordinary life.