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live into ubuntu

stunning purpose
to know, study, train
all worldviews

1/23/21 blackout poetry practice, page 41.
Words drawn from Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer generously permitted to share for this purpose by the publisher, Milkweed Editions,

post #308

PS: Here's a silly backstory
While making my "coffee," which is chocolate milk with a hint of coffee, I remembered the time we were visiting my mom and her Hershey's syrup bottle was almost empty. I was excited to show our son a physics lesson on centripetal force. Turning myself and the brown plastic bottle into a centrifuge, I grabbed the end of the bottle and with fast and big windmill circles I whipped the bottle in high arcs. While we can't "see" the energy we share when we connect with others in ways that wrap us and embrace us, you may be able to connect with what helped me connect with it, closely, while sponging the chocolate streaks from the textured ceiling, woodgrain cabinets, tile floor, and grout.
May we all be mindful of the sweet energy we put out, and the gentle ways we share it.

Ubuntu: "I am, because you are". In fact, the word ubuntu is just part of the Zulu phrase "Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu", which literally means that a person is a person through other people. Ubuntu has its roots in humanist African philosophy, where the idea of community is one of the building blocks of society. Ubuntu is that nebulous concept of common humanity, oneness: humanity, you and me both.