4:30 PM16:30

Parenting Seminar - LAST OF 3 SESSIONS

Parenting tools to encourage children to take care of their whole be- ings while respecting the same in others. Engage your child’s internal motivation and equip them to make more effective and respectful choices with simple strategies for toddlers to teenagers.

Cost: $60/series. Childcare is available at $10 for all 3 sessions. Please contact the school office at 713-528-6779 for reservations. 

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8:30 AM08:30

Empowered Communication ~ First HoustonNVC Conference

  • St. Paul's United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

JOIN US for day of mini-workshops designed to introduce you to practical, powerful ways to speak and listen that inspire compassion and understanding.

Who? HoustonNVC - A nonprofit dedicated to sharing Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

          Learn from a diverse group of facilitators. See Facilitator's Bios

            See our Full Conference Schedule

Contribution?This is a FREE event. Pre-register to reserve your space. Free lunch limited to first 150 people who pre-register and receive a ticket.  All others, bring your own lunch and dine with us. (Donations are welcomed and appreciated).

Questions? Email or call 713-303-3403

What You Will Learn:

  • Skills to change disharmony into emotional connection for yourself and others using open dialogue and empathy.

  • Workshops topics include: NVC basics, Parenting, Couples Connecting, NVC as a Spiritual Practice, Games for Connection, and much more…

  • Compassionate or Nonviolent Communication is based on 40 years of transformational work by world-renowned author, peacemaker, and visionary, Marshall Rosenberg, PhD.

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