Trainings and Retreats
Engaging Wholeness in Existing Communities
Want to add common language and practices that deepen and enrich your existing community? Within yourself and within your community are hidden talents, stories, and likely all the resources you need to have a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
Inquire about lectures, multi-week workshops, or retreat facilitation that educate, inspire, and make meaningful practice and conversations a habit.
Engaging Wholeness and Balance in Families
Want to add common language and practices that deepen and enrich your relationships? Want to raise children with healthy and sustaining boundaries, balance, and core beliefs? Are there patterns in your relationship and parenting techniques that you would like to leave behind but you haven't found effective strategies with which to replace them?
Inquire about lectures, workshops, or consultations that give you the tools to bring compassion and connection to every relationship and empower kids to engage their best selves while honoring everyone else.
Seeking Seekers?
Want to find community with others who are bringing compassion, acceptance, and celebration of seeing meaning, beauty and grace even in the turmoil of our time? Are you doing your best to recognize and materialize compassion, acceptance and grace in all the places and roles you inhabit? Are you seeking a community that transcends definitions and divisions? Want to be inspired and supported by others that have had a similar path and complimentary gifts to share?
Inquire about Houston's developing spiritual practice community.
being better humans | empowering compassionate communities