Tell us how we can support you and collaborate to grow the compassionate culture of Houston through awareness, education, and service.

We are launching several new programs for individuals and groups and ways to promote our partners’ work in 2019. Our main objectives for this year are:
1. To provide and support compassion skills education and practice across our city and the region.
2. To provide opportunities for partners to network, thereby fostering innovative and synergistic solutions toward community needs.
3. To foster initiatives that nurture inter-cultural relationships and understanding.
4. To recognize innovative, compassion-focused individual and group projects.


We are committed to growing the compassionate culture of Greater Houston by expanding our programs and reach this year. We want to develop these offerings around your interests, geographic location, and longings. The answers you provide here will allow us to work with you to connect, celebrate and to each answer our calls to compassionate action.

Individual Survey

To fill out the survey full screen, click here


We are committed to growing the compassionate culture of Greater Houston by expanding our programs and reach this year. Our new offerings and programs allow us to promote your important work. Please fill out this brief survey so that our communication with you this year is tailored to your mission and your intentions.

Partner Organization Survey

To fill out the partner survey full screen, click here