Answering the Call to Compassionate Action
In what ways can we strengthen and expand our circles in this most diverse and compassionate City of Houston?
Start by reading and signing the Charter for Compassion. Join the global campaign to get one million new affirmations to the Charter for Compassion by November 12, 2019, commemorating the tenth year in which the Charter was launched.
In 2015, Houston was officially designated a Compassionate City by Mayor Annise Parker. The designation was re-affirmed in 2017 by Mayor Sylvester Turner.
In 2019, Compassionate Houston is launching several new programs for individuals and groups. Scroll down to learn more about our programs and how they support our four main objectives for this year.
1. To provide and support compassion skills education and practice across our city and the region.
2. To provide opportunities for partners to network, thereby fostering innovative and synergistic solutions toward community needs.
3. To foster initiatives that nurture inter-cultural relationships and understanding.
4. To recognize innovative, compassion-focused individual and group projects.
Annual Luncheon
Compassion Week
Supper Club
Living Room Conversations
Practice Circles
Gather to try compassionate practices.
Learn about programs and offerings around the city.
Book Group
Community Calendar and Blog
Highlighting compassionate action by individuals, groups, and organizations
Service Opportunities
Education Programs
Practice Groups