Breakthrough a Barrier to
your creativity, your wholeness, your ability to be more yourself in every role and relationship
Because I have struggled most of my life to;
fit in
be enough
avoid conflict
I’ve searched out and integrated a variety of tools and practices that transformed the way I see myself, others, and the opportunities that support my true self and values. I discovered that it is most satisfying to live from the inside out. Now, I center my choices on what brings me wholeness; not fragmentation, not compartmentalizing myself, not with the goal of fitting into different molds in different settings.
I am thrilled to teach these tools and continue integrating new ones into my practices that help us live more authentically, purposefully, and with love and respect for self and others.
At my lowest, I was stuck and lost. At times, I was desperate and other times defeated. When things went well, it felt like a fluke, a fleeting moment of magic.
When I felt most helpless and uninspired I believed that I couldn’t be the mom and employee I wanted to be simultaneously. My ambition to succeed in business and the way I thought that needed to look took me to a place so far from myself that I didn’t know how to find myself. In order to be the mom I always dreamt of being, I needed to remember who I was looking for. Whenever I looked in our son’s face, I remembered what mattered most to me when I was a child. I longed for a way to bring deep empathy, creativity, and connection into the reality of my life as an employee and a mom. That longing compelled me to keep searching for a new way to navigate.
Luckily, my husband and I found Nonviolent Communication (NVC™ or Compassionate Communication™). It allowed us to take a creative AND logical approach to understanding and honoring our feelings, our needs, and our collective values and priorities. It set me on a path to self empowerment to wellness, and beyond, to wholeness.
I discovered a way to honor myself and others equally.
I began applying it to all my roles and relationships. I learned how to use it to develop a third way of parenting, not authoritarian and not permissive, but empowering for parents and children. I discovered that the same concepts and similar tools are highly effective in the workplace and classroom.
It brings me great joy and continued inspiration to share practical tools and facilitate creative experiences that help us shift to possibility and create the life our true selves know is waiting for us.
I work with folks of almost all ages (currently spanning 8 mos- 93 yrs) in one-on-one and group settings. When working with families, classes, teaching teams, and corporate teams, the practices and experiences I design and deliver follow the clients’ needs, priorities, and their insights that we discover together.
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